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A Message To Newcomers

Grace Lutheran Church is a member of the

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)


Grace Lutheran Church is a come-as-you-are church, with a casual atmosphere and a

message that makes sense for everyday life.  Perhaps you are new to our community,church,  or even new 

to “worship services” in general.  Perhaps you haven’t attended for awhile.  In any case, in a new

church, most of us find ourselves, at some time or another, saying: “Help! What do I do next?”

Hopefully, this guide will help you to relax and feel comfortable. We also hope that you will find

worshiping here a meaningful experience.  We look forward to meeting you!


 Worship Service 

Worship Services takes place every Sunday at 10AM. Come a few minutes early to greet one another, and choose a seat in the pews. The church is wired with cameras for a livestream service. Communion can be taken in the pews, if you are camera shy. Communion packets are available just inside the sanctuary doors for self-serve, or if you need to be served in the pew, just let the usher know and the pastor will come to you.



Children are welcome to participate in our worship services, and enjoy a Children’s message. A cry room is available with a window to view the service. There is a nursery available in the fellowship hall and we provide childcare.

Sunday School is held during the sermon, then the kids come back in time for Holy Communion. Children’s Sunday School is available during the school year.


Communion Every Sunday

All are welcome at our table.

Communion is served around the altar.  It is served individually, with separate small glasses and wafers, distributed to each person.  If you need to be served in the pew, just let the usher know and the pastor will come to you. Children are encouraged to participate at their sponsor's discretion. Remember: All are welcome to the table here.

Worship Style

Liturgical with a mix of traditional hymns & contemporary music. 



Attire ranges from dressy, to work dress to casual. You are invited to wear what you feel comfortable wearing.


Fellowship After Service

Following Sunday Worship, all are welcome to gather in the fellowship hall for coffee, beverages and often a light snack. This serves as an opportunity to get to know one another better and learn more about the church, its offerings and opportunities. All are welcome to join us.



There is a large parking lot surrounding the church.


 Disabled Access

There are several spaces reserved directly in front of the church for disabled parking or drop off. The sanctuary is fully wheel-chair accessable. The fellowship hall is also accessible via wheelchair.



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